VoIP continues to disrupt the communications industry today, more than two decades since its inception. As more businesses adopt remote work in their operations, so does the demand for VoIP systems continues to rise. A market forecast by Business Wire indicates that the global VoIP services market reached $26 billion in 2020 and is projected to hit $31 billion by 2027.
Innovation, government support, and increased business adoption mean the industry is not slowing down any time soon. As more Delaware business systems continue to ditch the traditional PSTN for VoIP software, you may need to keep a close eye on the trends that can help you harness the technology to its full potential.
Here are five VoIP trends to watch out for in 2021.
1. 5G Is Here
Since the initial roll-out phases in 2019, 5G continues to send ripples across multiple industries. The faster broadband speeds will radically change internet connectivity for Delaware business systems. The fifth-generation wireless network guarantees faster internet speeds with lower latency and shorter response times. These benefits may help reduce the frequency of dropped calls, enhancing the adoption of VoIP systems.
2. Increased Unified Communication
With 5G and better AI innovation, a VoIP system is no longer be limited to voice calls. Unified communications will allow businesses to bring together all staff forms of communication, including text, mail, video, and socials, into one workflow. The integration will ensure that the users, clients or staff, never miss a message. The devices will remain connected throughout.
3. Better AI integration
As more firms go global, they may need practical solutions that allow them to communicate and collaborate better with their customers and remote employees. A recent IDC report shows some of the biggest investments in AI tech include automated customer service at $4.5 billion, sales process information, and cybersecurity at $2.7 billion each. Delaware business systems can also take advantage of AI by integrating the technology into their VoIP software in the form of chat boxes. VoIP apps can add voice boxes that can answer frequently asked questions and other related queries from the customers.
4. VoIP Systems As the De Facto Standard
The meteoritic rise of VoIP technology over the last half-decade has pushed out traditional PSTN. In 2004, more than 90% of US households and businesses owned a landline phone. Today, only less than 40% do. A traditional phone line can be replaced with VoIP, saving approximately 20 to 50% of monthly phone bills. Again, with increased internet access across the nation, including 5G coupled with access to advanced hand-held devices, most firms are finding new ways of engaging their customers. This drive often favoring VoIP solutions.
5. WebRTC and VoIP Merger
When the web real-time communication (WebRTC) was released by Google in 2011, most industry experts thought it would phase out VoIP. However, being an open-source interface, it works perfectly with most VoIP systems. Merging the two technologies allows Delaware business systems to benefit from enhanced direct calls and peer-to-peer file transfers from websites.
VoIP is becoming increasingly better with faster internet, AI integrations, and cloud telephony. These trends will continue to shape business communication for years to come. If you are among the many Delaware business owners looking to explore the benefits of VoIP, reach out to ARG Communications. We are a leading provider of business telephony systems in Delaware and Philadelphia, PA.